
When should you consider dental implants?

If you’re not sure exactly what one is, a dental implant is a titanium screw which goes directly into the jawbone, where it replaces a missing tooth root. Once it’s fitted, the surrounding bone will slowly fuse to the implant so that it remains firmly in place. It prepares the area for a replacement tooth.

A crown (false tooth) matching your existing teeth’s colour and shape can then be placed on top of the implant as a permanent solution, boosting your confidence by giving you a natural-looking smile.

What are the benefits of dental implants

There are many of these; implants are as strong as your natural teeth, work like them and also help protect against bone loss. What’s more, they won’t damage the surrounding teeth, and this is an extremely safe and long-lasting procedure, with a very high rate of success. Once fitted, you can treat the tooth as any other with regular brushing, flossing and dental check-ups.

Finally, it’s a solution which offers long-term value – plus this treatment is more affordable than you may have realised. So implants offer a great alternative to bridges and dentures.

So when is it time to think about dental implants?

  • You have a missing tooth

An implant is a natural way of filling where the gap used to be, and it won’t look out of place. You may think that you don’t need an implant if a missing tooth isn’t bothering you. But when you remove a tooth, the surrounding ones face added stress and pressure and may be vulnerable to infection, cracking and cavities. If you chew on one side of your mouth to compensate, part of your jaw is neglected, so bone and connective tissue can weaken.

  • You have a loose dental bridge or denture(s)

Dental implants can be the ideal solution if you have a loose dental bridge. Additionally, they can save the day if you have loose dentures, either full or partial ones.

  • You face has a sunken appearance

Dentures do not replicate the jawbone, so the bone can regress, especially over time. Implants, however, retain the facial structure.

  • A tooth has become infected and will need to be removed

If a tooth has become too infected to saved, you’ll need to have it extracted, or taken out completely. A strong, durable implant can effectively serve as your new tooth.

  • You’ve had enough of denture

You have to take dentures out to clean them; equally, sometimes you’ll need denture adhesives to keep them in place. If you don’t want to deal with this, you’re certainly not alone. And implants can provide a really convenient alternative. No different dental care regime is needed – just look after for your implants as you would your regular teeth.

The only thing you may have to do differently is where a guard if you grind your teeth at night, since this can damage the crown.

Dental implants from us at Bounty Road Dental

At Bounty Road Dental Practice, we’re the leading dental implants provider in North Hampshire. Let us quite literally put the smile back on your face! Talk to us today about dental implants at our modern, friendly practice in Basingstoke.